About Me

I used to have a big long “about me” section here, until one day I read it and realized that what I wrote was mostly church language that didn’t really MEAN anything.  So, I deleted it all to say this:

I love Jesus and I want Him to be involved in every aspect of my life.

If you want to know more about me and our family of 9, take a look around my blog – it’s full of my opinions, the only problem is THEY KEEP CHANGING!  🙂  Be that as it may, here are some of the articles that sum me and our family up best (for now!):

I’m a Disappointment to a lot of People

My Testmimony

One of the most important lessons I’ve ever learned (and am still learning)

8 Responses to About Me

  1. Emily says:

    Amen and uh huh!!!! I love to read how people have completely surrendered their life and their to Christ!!!!

  2. Can I copy & paste your detail beliefs and use them someday to add to mine? They fit me perfectly and you are so much better at articulating yourself than I could.

  3. Stephanie says:

    I was thinking what Meghann said! You express yourself so well, enough detail without rambling (as I tend to do). You and I seem to be very similar in just about all of your points, and it’s so wonderful to find a like-minded lady here in the blogging world. 🙂

    • Rina says:

      🙂 I do all of my rambling in the rough draft version, and then whittle it down. 🙂 I just visited your blog and really enjoyed it! I’m adding it to my RSS feed, and look forward to reading more. I love the blogging world – it’s amazing how many like minded ladies are out there.

  4. A friend on Facebook posted your web site and I have been browsing through it. How refreshing to see a site that is very “real” and transparent! We are very different in some ways (I am 64, single (called to be from the Lord), never had any natural children (plenty of spiritual ones!)) I am fairly new to internet marketing but taking an online class and learning lots! I own a brick and mortar business but am trying to get a presence on the web with several other small businesses, so I have several sites I am developing (like you, still working out the glitches). We are similar in our walk with the Lord – He is my All in All and I too have experienced much over the 45+ years I have been saved. God bless you and your endeavors!

    • Rina says:

      Tara, thank you for writing, I’d love to know more about you. Did you always know that you were called to be single? What kind of business are you in? I know virtually NOTHING about web design or anything like that – that’s why my blog is hosted through wordpress and my website is hosted through a web-hosting company. 🙂 Are you in Bowling Green?

  5. shortshoestring says:

    I found your blog because of your run – but I’m enjoying reading the rest of it! I home-schooled my daughter who is now 24. We are blessed with friendships with several large families – so Emma got to hold a lot of babies even though it was just the two of us. I’m looking forward to reading other parts of your blog! Blessings! I am amazed at the “teachers” God has gifted me with through WordPress!

  6. Liz says:

    I’m with you 100% here!! Your bold testimony is such an encouragement.

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