Perspectives and Perceptions


Today I was reminded of a sweet little book I once read called The Princess and Curdie by George MacDonald. It’s a book about a young boy who is commissioned to save a King from the hands of his evil subjects. Along the way, the boy will meet many people, some friends and some foes, and before he leaves the Princess gives him the following warning…

“You must beware, Curdie, how you say of this man or that man that he is traveling beastward. There are not nearly so many going that way as at first sight you might think. When you met your father on the hill tonight, you stood and spoke together on the same spot; and although one of you was going up and the other coming down, at a little distance no one could have told which was bound in the one direction and which in the other. Just so two people may be at the same spot in manners and behavior, and yet one may be getting better and the other worse, which is just the greatest of all differences that could possibly exist between them.”

I was glad to be reminded of this today and pray that God will bring it to my mind each time I am tempted to judge someone in a way that is not pleasing to Him.

Related Posts: Accusers of the Brethren, How Will WE Affect The Next Four Years?

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2 Responses to Perspectives and Perceptions

  1. gina says:

    Thank you for being interested in the new feature on my blog “What are you learning”?
    I am excited about it, and am prayerful that it will encourage many to be in the word regularly.
    If you would like, you may copy and paste the picture that I have on the post that I put up, introducing the new feature..and you can put it on your sidebar and link to my blog. I would love to reach as many as possible with this

  2. Rina says:

    Thanks, Gina, I still haven’t been successful at puting pictures in my sidebar, but I’ll definitely link to your blog. I’m looking forward to our first bible study!

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