THE Camera

It’s coming!

It’s coming, it’s coming, it’s coming and I”m so excited I can hardly think straight.  I’M GETTING A CAMERA!  Not just any camera, I’m getting a fancy shmancy SLR camera of which one reviewer says: “the possibilities are endless.”  Oooooh.  🙂

Seriously, though, based on the reviews (which I’ve been reading over and over again for the past few months!), this is one amazing camera.

Nikon D90

It’s a 12.3 megapixel, can shoot 4-5 shots per second in rapid mode, has a maximum shutter speed of 1/4000th of a second, and is the only SLR camera (that I know of) which can shoot video.  Extravagance?  Absolutely.  But I’ve always wanted a professional grade camera and when my camera broke, my wonderful, amazing husband started making plans to buy one for me.  This is my birthday and anniversary present for the next fifteen years, without a doubt!

Readers, get ready to see pictures of EVERYTHING!!!  In the weeks to come, I’m almost certain to be taking pictures all over the house, and outside, too.  I have never used an SLR camera, so I’m planning to learn as I go, so you’ll get to bear the brunt of all my really bad and not-so-good photography as I learn to master this thing.  🙂

In the meantime, here are some of my favorite pictures that other people have taken with this camera…


Is that not amazing?

And here is a beautiful shot:


And another amazing picture:


And one more:


Isn’t she adorable?

I am SO excited.  Did I mention that already?  Seriously, though.  I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!


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6 Responses to THE Camera

  1. Erika says:

    I’m so excited FOR you!! I keep eyeing up a nicer camera, but when my little Kodak digital just keeps chugging along and taking decent pictures, well, I might as well use it until it dies.

    I will look forward with baited breath for your photos, and a thorough review on this camera though. 😉

    • Rina says:

      I hear you, Erika. I’m upgrading from a 2.0 megapixel Sony cyber shot that I bought over five years ago. I didn’t mind using it until it broke, even if it was an antique in the world of advancing technology. 🙂 What kind of camera have you had your eye on?

      :::I will look forward with baited breath for your photos, and a thorough review on this camera though:::

      LOL, thanks!

  2. Mrs. Parunak says:

    It’s going to be so much fun! I love photography (when I get the chance to do it, which isn’t very often). I can’t wait to see all your pictures of EVERYTHING.

  3. I really can’t tell if you are excited. You ought to learn to express yourself more. LOL!! That is really one handsome camera! Wow. I’m glad I don’t have it, or I’d be afraid to use it. I’m a spazz like that. I’m trying to think why I have no fears about posting pictures of my children. Maybe it is because they are older now? Blogging wasn’t around when my kids were little. I do still have a four year old, but she’s wrapped in cotton, so to speak.. not that somebody couldn’t try to capture her..

    About making friends. I don’t even think about it. I think I have turrets or something. I just start talking to people and they talk back. Not sure what happens.

    • Rina says:

      LOL, I guess I have an easier time being extroverted in my blog than in person! 🙂 Besides, I feel like the people reading here are already friends. 🙂
      As for making new friends, my step mom has that “problem.” She can carry on a conversation with anyone, anywhere. I get tongue-tied too easily for that, which is another reason I really love to blog!

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